Sunday, April 22, 2007


oh wat a weekend....

I mean i had quit my job last Friday night.. All that night i was depressed, but Saturday i was very happy. Knowing i didn't have to go to a place to put up with the B.s. and wearing a fake smile.

Instead i went to a few places and filled out some applications.. Job is a job. I don't care where i go. I just want the employers to give me a chance to prove them i can do the job! and if i cant, then bummer. maybe we can work something out. I don't think there has been a situation where i could not successfully do "something" and if i couldn't.....we modified a few things and then it was a success!

That Saturday night i had plans to stay home and play video games and be a bum. ha ha
that didn't happen. i ended up goin out and hanging out with a few friends at the bar. Shoot some pool and danced a few songs. well i tried to dance anyways.

It was a good night.

Today i was lazy! enjoyed it to. but kinda got sad again cause i got to thinking about wat if "they" don't hire me? wat can i do? and even school is killing me. Got a final on Tuesday to be ready for. and then a final this Thursday and one NEXT week...

I'm not as stressed out about the finals as i am about the financial situation i am in. No Jobs means no bills will be paid.. That's wat I'm worried about...

Mom told me not to worry.. but I'm a worry wart. or whatever they call me. I'm sure ill pull it off and find a better job and ill be happier. everything happens for a reason. that i do believe. even tho some events in my life has been tragic, tough, rough, and not so great. Its those events that makes me stronger.... right?

well....wish me luck this week...i hope i get a job..


Einstein's Relative said...

Don't worry about not having a job. Someone will call. The important thing is passing your final on Tuesday. Everyone has had one of those jobs that just grated on your nerves. Mine was working at a movie theater. I'll never be able to look at a box of Junior Mints in the same way. AAAArrrgghhhhh.

Laurie said...

Ray, you'll get another job soon. Maybe even for the competition! ha! And Einstein is right- study for those tests. At the end of that road is a REAL job- the one you really want. I am so proud of you, and I LOVE your blog. xoxox